boulevards BOULEVARDS
boundaries BOUNDARIES
City, certification of, 62.02
County, 2.01
Area, proof, 891.28
Crimes on waters, where tried, 971.19 (7)
Built on wrong line, removal, 90.06
Waters forming, 90.09
Legislative districts, 4.003
Change by cooperative agreement, 66.0307
Fixed by stipulation and judgment, 66.0225
Section corners, lines, landmarks; relocation, perpetuation, 59.74
Designation of, II, 1
Rivers and lakes, jurisdiction over, IX, 1
Swamplands, federal field notes adopted, 24.38
Action to test attachment or detachment, town a party in interest, 66.0233
Area, proof, 891.28
Annexation of territory, 66.0217, 66.0219, 66.0221
Detachment of territory, 66.0227
Proof of, 891.10
Waters, lands adjoining, 30.10 (4)
boundary appeal board BOUNDARY APPEAL BOARD
bovine diseases BOVINE DISEASES
bow and arrow BOW AND ARROW
Accidental shooting, duties, 29.341, 29.345
Hunting license, see Fish and Game
Minors, restrictions on use, 29.304 (1)
Negligence causing death, 940.08
Negligence causing injury, 940.24
Negligent operation, 941.20
Safe use and transportation of, 167.31
Use near park, 167.30
boxing BOXING
Generally, Ch. 444
Amateur matches, fees, 444.05
Application for license, bond, fees, 444.03
Bribery of participant in contest, 945.08
Conduct of matches regulated, 444.09
Exemptions, 444.17
Forfeitures, 444.13 to 444.15
Gambling by participants, 945.07
Inspectors, 444.06
Insurance on boxers, 444.18
Law violation, when a misdemeanor, 444.16
License, 444.02
Matchmakers, referees, boxers, etc., 444.11
Minors, 444.09
Physician to examine contestant, 444.10
Public recreation department matches, 444.17
Referee to stop matches, 444.12
Reports to department, 444.04
School exhibitions, 444.17
Sham or fake matches, forfeitures, 444.13, 444.14
bradley center BRADLEY CENTER
Application of law, 16.005
Board, code of ethics, 19.42 (10)
Board of directors, members, terms, powers, reimbursement, 232.03
Dissolution, 232.07
Powers, duties and restrictions, 232.05
Creation, 232.03
Definition, 232.02
Liability, limitation, 232.09
Nondiscriminatory clauses in contracts, 16.765
Open meeting law, not applicable, 19.82 (1)
Organization, 232.03
Tax exemption, 70.11 (31)
brakes BRAKES
brands and marks BRANDS AND MARKS
See Labels
bread BREAD
breaking and entering BREAKING AND ENTERING
See Burglary
brewers BREWERS
Beverage tax, 139.01 to 139.26
Free beer, license exception, 125.06 (1)
Multiple licenses and permits, 125.31
Permits, activities, 125.29
Restrictions on dealings between brewers, wholesalers and retailers, 125.32